Tackling Gambling Harms across the Criminal Justice System

 Ara presents, in association with:

  • Beacon Counselling Trust
  • The Howard League for Penal Reform
  • RCA Trust
  • Cheshire Police
  • GREO
  • The Royal Society for Public Health

A Collaborative Approach to Tackling Gambling Harms across the Criminal Justice System.

This event will be Led by Cheshire Police ACC Matt Burton, Police National Lead on Gambling and Criminality. The event will feature a range of key national and international speakers.

Firstly, gambling related harms are recognised as a significant public health issue in Great Britain. In addition, the links between criminality and gambling are now evidence based.

There is a clear need for standardised public health messaging, education and screening for Gambling Related Harm. This could therefore prevent or reduce harm in the Criminal Justice System.

Therefore, our aim is to innovate via the ‘Bet You Can Help’ qualification. Titled ‘Tackling Gambling-Related Harm’, this is FREE for those working within Criminal Justice.

A Collaborative Approach to Tackling Gambling Harms across the Criminal Justice System

This will be a recorded event, hosted online using Zoom.

Access to this event will be on held on Zoom and a link will be sent out before the event to those who have registered. If you’re unsure how to access Zoom, please see this quick start guide. https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360034967471-Quick-start-guide-for-new-users

Who are Ara Gambling Service?

Ara Gambling Service provides free, confidential advice for anyone struggling with problem gambling. This includes 1:1 counselling for gamblers and affected others in Wales and the South West of England.

How can I get help for my gambling or a loved one’s gambling?

To get in touch, call us on 0330 1340 286 or visit our Get Support page.

Reach out for assistance today

If you or someone you know is struggling with gambling related harms or homelessness related to drug and alcohol addiction, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Our team is here to support you on your journey to recovery.

Or call 0330 1340 286